Stay Where You Are is a year-long project in which four artists and writers pause to reflect on the appeal of the local
About, Home / June 3, 2014

  • Jem Finer

  • Lavinia Greenlaw

  • Jay Griffiths

  • Ben Rivers

Stay Where You Are is a year-long project in which four award-winning artists and writers, known for their wide-ranging travels across the surface of the planet or through the realm of the imagination, pause to reflect on the appeal of the local. Foregoing the far horizon for the close-at-hand, artist-composer Jem Finer, poet Lavinia Greenlaw, essayist Jay Griffiths and filmmaker Ben Rivers will each develop works that focus on their home environment, that highlight places (or people) that are near (and dear) to them, or that revisit themes whose atmosphere or subject represents a still point in an ever-turning world.

Launched in the midst of winter, when the urge to hole up and stay put is strong, the project starts from small beginnings, but grows, in extent and ambition, throughout the course of 2014, with public presentations at seasonal points of the calendar and at different venues around the UK. As it does so, it will nevertheless stay true to the guiding premise of the project’s title: namely, to take stock of, and take pleasure in, our immediate surroundings. A reminder that the world around us tends to reveal more of itself when we slow things to a quieter pace, this heightened awareness of the here-and-now not only prompts us to look more closely at what we sometimes take for granted but might also encourage us to make the most of what we have.

Some thoughts on Stay where You Are - a Scrapbook
